- Register: To register the "Files Email Extractor" click on the "Enter Activation Key" Button and fill the Registration Detail with the Activation Key.
- Buy: You can Buy "Files Email Extractor" to get Activation Key for register this software. You Can Buy it From our Website by Clicking on "Buy Activation Key" button.
- Try It: You can use demo version of "Files Email Extractor" by clicking on "Continue in Demo Version" Button.

- First you run Files Email Extractor.
- Now you can Add files from hard-drive by click Add Files button.
- you can add files from a whole folder by click "Add Files From Folder" button.
- If you want to remove some files from a Files List, select files and press delete key on the keyboard or Delete Selected Files option..
- Now press "Start Extracting" Button for start Extract Emails.

- If you extract the email addresses from Files but some of all extracted email addresses are bad addresses, not useful.
- You can add the criteria of removing those email addresses contains the word in the settings either before search or after search.
- Apply "Filter Emails" button.
- It will refine the list of email addresses.

Remove Duplicates: You can Remove duplicate emails by check the "Auto Remove Duplicates" button from the list.
Extract Emails : You can Extract Emails by check the "Auto Extract Emails" button and you get the list of email addresses from the selected files or folder.
Text Option : You can Extract Emails by check the "Text tab" and you get the list of email addresses from the selected option like Plain Text, Text Frame, Header, Footer, EndNotes, FootNotes, Comments and Master Slides.

Save Extracted Email Addresses in different formats as shown below. The Email IDs extracted can be saved in both .CSV form (Excel) and .TXT form (Notepad). User can select any of the three options below to save the data.

Go to Help Menu on left Top.
Step 1 : Deactivate from current PC.
Step 2 : Install the software on new PC and Register it with same Activation Key.