- Register: To register the "Hindi Unicode to ANSI Converter" click on the "Enter Activation key" Button and fill the Registeration Detail with the Activation Code.
- Buy: You have to Buy "Hindi Unicode to ANSI Converter" to get Activation Code. You Can Buy it From our Site by Clicking on "Buy Activation Key" button.
- Try It: You can use demo version of "Hindi Unicode to ANSI Converter" by clicking on "Continue in Demo Version" Button.

- After purchase or in trial software, you are in main window of the software "Hindi Unicode to ANSI Converter".
- Here you can add content of Mangal Font that you want to convert in Devlys, Kruti, Narad etc Font. You can import file or open File of Mangal Font content in left panel text area by just click on "File " Menu OR by click on "Open RTF/Txt File" Button in your running software..
- After completion of add text to left panel textbox, click "Start Conversion" Button in right pane. it is just single click and conversion of text into Devlys font would be started..

Step-1 : Click on "Help Menu" on Top.
Step-2 : Deactivate from current PC. CLICK on Transfer License Option.
Step-3 : Click on "Yes" Button and in last.
Step-4 : Click on "Ok" Button.