- Register:To register the "Word Automation Tool" click on the "Enter Activation Key" Button and fill the Registration Detail with the Activation Code.
- Buy:You can Buy "Word Automation Tool" to get Activation Code for register this software. You Can Buy it From our Website by Clicking on "Buy Activation Key" button.
- Try It: You can use demo version of "Word Automation Tool" by clicking on "Continue in Demo Version" Button.

Step 1: Add Files (.doc, .docx, .rtf).
Add Files- In this step you can add MS Word (.doc, .docx, .rtf) files, just click on "Add Files" button to open file dialog box select files you want to add, you can select multiple files. You can also add all files of a selected folder by clicking on "Add Folder" button, it automatically search the selected folder and add all the MS Word supported files.

Step 2:- Select Command to Perform Batch Process.
In select command list box you have to select a command to perform an action on batch files or you can also select command from dropdown list on menu. Word Power Utilities have some important command given below.
- Accept or Reject Track Changes
- Remove Object from Documents
- Change Page Setup of all Documents
- Split Pages Into Separate Word Files
- Remove Header & Footer Documents
- Merge all files into Single Document.
After selecting a command of Accept and Reject Track Changes a dialogue box will open, you can see in below figure.

There are two options to select Accept Changes or Reject Changes. You can select one option and after selecting one option, click on ok button. If Start conversion on Ok checkbox is checked the process will start automatically after click on ok button or otherwise you have to click on Start button on main form of Word Power Utilities. If you want close this dialogue box you can click on cancel button.
After selecting a command of Remove Object from Documents a dialogue box will open, you can see in below figure.

You can select multiple type of object to remove from batch files like Images, Text Frames, Drawing Object and hyperlinks. You can also remove selected object from header or footer. After CheckingObjects to Remove from Batch Files, click on ok button. If Start conversion on Ok checkbox is checked the process will start automatically after click on ok button or otherwise you have to click on Start button on main form of Word Power Utilities. If you want close this dialogue box you can click on cancel button.
After selecting a command of Change Page Setup of all Documents a dialogue box will open, you can see in below figure.

There are multiple settings to apply on page setup of bulk files like Margins, Page Orientation, Paper Size, Paper Source and Layout.After Changing all settings for page setup of Batch Files, click on ok button. If Start conversion on Ok checkbox is checked the process will start automatically after click on ok button or otherwise you have to click on Start button on main form of Word Power Utilities. If you want close this dialogue box you can click on cancel button.
After selecting a command of Split Page into Separate Word Files a dialogue box will open, you can see in below figure.

There are two options to select Split Document by Pages or Split Document by Sections. You can select one option and after selecting one option, click on ok button. If Start conversion on Ok checkbox is checked the process will start automatically after click on ok button or otherwise you have to click on Start button on main form of Word Power Utilities. If you want close this dialogue box you can click on cancel button. You can also add suffix with split files by write any suffix into textbox.
After selecting a command of Remove Header and Footer a dialogue box will open, you can see in below figure.

There are two options to select Remove Header or Remove Footer. You can select one or both options and after selecting options, click on ok button. If Start conversion on Ok checkbox is checked the process will start automatically after click on ok button or otherwise you have to click on Start button on main form of Word Power Utilities. If you want close this dialogue box you can click on cancel button.
After selecting a command of Merge All Files into Single Document a dialogue box will open, you can see in below figure.

You can merge multiple files into single document by given a Output Merge file name and if you want to merge multiple files with page break option, checked on Merge File with page break check box.After given the name of file, click on ok button. If Start conversion on Ok checkbox is checked the process will start automatically after click on ok button or otherwise you have to click on Start button on main form of Word Power Utilities. If you want close this dialogue box you can click on cancel button.
You can merge multiple files into single document by given a Output Merge file name and if you want to merge multiple files with page break option, checked on Merge File with page break check box.After given the name of file, click on ok button. If Start conversion on Ok checkbox is checked the process will start automatically after click on ok button or otherwise you have to click on Start button on main form of Word Power Utilities. If you want close this dialogue box you can click on cancel button.
By click on Folder Option on Menu Bar a dialogue box will open, you can see in below figure. There you can change the Target folder for Output Files.

After applying all setting as per your need you have to just click on Start Button.

Go to Help Menu. Now click on Deactivate option.
Step 1 : Deactivate from current PC.
Step 2: Install the software on new PC and Register it with same Activation Key.