- Register: To register the "Yahoo Email ID Extractor" click on the "Enter Activation Key" Button and fill the Registration Detail with the Activation Key.
- Buy: You can Buy "Yahoo Email ID Extractor" to get Activation Key for register this software. You Can Buy it From our Website by Clicking on "Buy Activation Key" button.
- Try It: You can use demo version of "Yahoo Email ID Extractor" by clicking on "Continue in Demo Version" Button.

First Step: Login with your Yahoo Account.
You can save the login detail to software by check Save Login Detail check box. User can also extract emails from selected folder. Check the Extract From Selected Labels option.
Select Folder from which you want to extract emails. You can also extract emails from personal folder by check the Extract From Selected Labels option.

Select fields to filter email ids from given option like, To, From, Cc, Bcc and Message Text

Click on Start Email Extractor button to extract email ids. After extraction user can save extracted emails into .csv and .txt files.

Go to Filter option then set keyword to get Email that you want.

Extracted Email Ids can be saved in Registered Version, This feature is not available in trial version. Extracted Email Ids can be saved in .CSV (Opens in EXCEL) and .txt (Opens in NOTEPAD).

Go to Tool Menu on Top.
Step 1 : Deactivate from current PC.
Step 2 : Install the software on new PC and Register it with same Activation Key.