Best New Gmail Email Alert Tool

Gmail New Mail Alert

Gmail New Mail Alert

  • *License Validity 2 Years
  • Price:
  • $49.95
  • $55.00


Gmail New Mail Alert tool informs user about mails arriving in the Gmail account. It is an ingenious effort towards updating you on your Gmail account. The software performs like a notifier & pops up whenever your account receives a new mail.

The tool is an astonishing performer delivering things in the given time. Along with notifying about new mails the tool also shows the user content of the mail.

The tool serves choice to have a look at the matter of the mail. It posses all the essential features required to become the best notifier. The software is very easy to operate & can be handled in daily life.

Key Feature

  • Alerts about a newly received mail in the Gmail account.
  • The tool keeps you updated about the mails received in the Gmail account.
  • It acts as a Pop-up in the system.
  • Users can also see the matter of the mail.
  • You can also have a look at the fields like name & email ids.
  • It is very easy to operate & can be utilized in daily life.
  • This is the best email notifier.


System Requirement

  • Win XP, Vista, Win7, Win8
  • .NET Framework 2.0

Version History

Latest Version : v2.5

Hot Search

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